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Soliton Network Consulting Pty Ltd (SNC) is a boutique engineering consultancy. Originally conceived and started in 2003, it provides a base for specialists in information technology project management and technology business strategy. The consulting arm applies the principles of engineering to complex projects within enterprise and government companies, utilising our knowledge and experienced gained in the global IT and Telecommunications market, media and space industries.

Our primary goal is to provide high quality strategic consulting services to enterprise and government companies. However, our secondary goal is to disseminate knowledge of new technology solutions to the industry. This provides a platform for the early adoption of next generation photonic network technologies by companies, which will ultimately help bolster the Australian photonics industry.

The combination of both the consulting and research streams provides the ability to stay abreast of the current and future developments of the technology used in IT and Telecommunications, together with an insight of the market needs and requirements of companies.

There is a firm belief that the future of IT can be enhanced by following traditional engineering procedures. By providing solutions based on solid engineering principles, enterprise companies are well prepared to approach that future with the correct tools and technical expertise required. In all our projects, there is a strong emphasis on training our customers to operate, maintain and build on the latest technology and systems they own.

SNC operates with high levels of ethics and Integrity, strongly promoting and practising ethical ways of doing business and we believe that a good ethical business practice and strong Engineering will build a sound platform for the future of technology infrastructure within Australia. As an independent consulting firm, we are not tied into one vendor, but rather have the flexibility to select the best vendor for the job in hand.

Our consultants and engineers are all specialists in the field of IT project management, business strategy and Photonics with backgrounds in government and the financial services industry. They are highly qualified individuals with a passionate interest in technology and business management. Our staff keep up to date with the developments in information technology and engineering practices, which helps provide our customers with cutting edge solutions that not only satisfy their business needs now, but also offer the unique ability to provide engineering solutions for the next generation of systems.


soliton network consulting pty ltd

ABN: 70 103 753 331

© soliton network consulting 2019